4 hour visit

  • Opcija A:
    -Podzemni labirint Ravne
    -Bosanska piramida Sunca – sjeverna strana arheoloških iskopina

  • Opcija B:
    -Podzemni labirint Ravne
    -Arheološko-turističko-sportski park “Ravne 2”
    -Bosanska piramida Sunca – sjeverna strana arheoloških iskopina


U četverosatnoj turi posjetiti ćete podzemni labirint Ravne, sjevernu stranu arheološke lokacije Bosanske piramide Sunca i arheološko-turistički park Ravne 2.

Uvodna prezentacija ispred tunela Ravne kod Muzeja Fondacije i posterima na kojima se pruža najbolji pogled na Bosansku piramidu Sunca. Vodič će vam predstaviti naš projekat i istraživanje.

After introduction our next location is Underground labyrinth Ravne. Just beneath Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Valley of Pyramids, is a prehistoric underground labyrinth with over one mile (1.7 kilometers) of passageways. Take a guided tour through the Ravne Labyrinth and walk through the illuminated tunnels to discover their healing powers. The high concentration of ions is believed to clean your body and you can spend extra time in the “healing room” inside the tunnels and by the mega-ceramic block K-2-special energy potent place ideal for meditation and healing.

Archeological-tourist park Ravne 2 was officially opened on 18th June 2016. It spans over 100000 squared meters and is located in Visoko, center of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The park was created after dr. Sam Osmanagich bought 15 private parcels which he merged into one huge area that contained 7 wild landfills and swamp areas. After the water was drained, plants and grass planted, landfills removed and park facilities placed, Visoko got a beautiful park, which dr. Sam donated to the Foundation „Archeological park: Bosnian pyramid of the Sun“ 

Most interesting location of this tour is Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. It is the largest and oldest pyramid in the world. You will visit northern side where synthetic (geopolymer) concrete blocks were uncovered under the layers of soil and vegetation.


    • all locations are vehicle and wheelchair accessible
    • visit to Bosnian pyramid of the Sun locations includes 15-minutes stairs climbing from the base of the pyramid
    • temperature inside of the Ravne tunnels is 12°C, so please remember to bring your jacket

Cijena: 20€

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